Jennifer Kruidbos

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29. For your most congruent marketing, study your experience as a client

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When of the most important places I look when I'm wanting to create offers is my own experience as a coaching client. Studying how I feel safe showing up as a client gives me a tonne of information about how to create congruent offers. And congruence is the key to attracting aligned clients.

Happy listening!

Email list: For more tips on gently growing your nervous system's capacity to create, hold a spend money in a way that aligns with your values.

Wealth Delight Group Program: To create a light-hearted loving relationship with money, join Wealth Delight. Bite-sized videos, plus a community + group coaching. Only $90 for this round. Prices will be going up.

Phoenix Rising: Grief mini course + monthly group somatic grief practice on zoom. $45USD.

BIG VISION small steps intro coaching offer: Three sessions for $150USD total. Going up to $200 by the end of the day!